The Flex Palace Visco mattress is a Multielástic NxT spring model, viscoelastic gel support and Stretch upholstery with the Optigrade system. Firmness. High intelligence. Height: 32 cm. WE GUARANTEE THE BEST PRICE
Almohada de fibra Moshy Peque, ideal para niños. Antialérgica con relleno de fibra y doble funda tejida en algodón y poliéster.
Edredón nórdico de fibra hueca siliconada antialérgica y termorreguladora, con tejido en algodón y Topcool, disponible en 3 gramajes + uno 4 Estaciones.
Gramajes. 100, 200, 300 y Dúo (100 + 200) gr/m2.
Relleno. 100% fibra hueca siliconada Quallofil®.
Tejido. 50% Algodón natural y 50% tejido Topcool®.
100% hipoalergénico.
Breathable folding canapé Pikolin made of high capacity wood and 3D breathable lid hidden in the frame, recommended for any type of mattress.
Height: 31 cm.
DELIVERY, REMOVAL AND ASSEMBLY INCLUDED: If you need to remove the old bracket, please indicate this in the description.