High-end Nordic duvet with 99% European White Goose Down, designed for winter or cool inter-seasons. *8 Year Warranty.
Flex Habana mattress with Multielástic continuous springs and Stretch upholstery with Optigrade technology, with a total of 8 layers of comfort . Firmness: Medium-high Height: 29 cm WE GUARANTEE THE BEST PRICE
The Flex Palace Visco mattress is a Multielástic NxT spring model, viscoelastic gel support and Stretch upholstery with the Optigrade system. Firmness. High intelligence. Height: 32 cm. WE GUARANTEE THE BEST PRICE
El colchón Relax Gaviota Oro es un colchón con muelles ensacados INSAC INFINITY 5Z, de 5 zonas de confort. Visco Grafeno que disipa el calor. Tejido Damasco elástico, extra suave al tacto y elegante.
Altura: 31 cm.
Firmeza: Media-alta.
RETIRADA DE COLCHÓN USADO GRATIS * Solicítelo en su la descripción del pedido.